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Prostitution Should Be Legalized In Nigeria

A lawyer and rights activist, Mbasekei Martin Obono, has begged the Muhammadu Buhari-led government to legalise prostitution.
In a recent interview with Pulse, Mr Martin said ensuring it is no longer a crime will decrease crime and also protect the basic human rights of Nigerians.
His words, “I think it is time to legalise prostitution in Nigeria; our society will be better for it,”
If this is done, every prostitute in Nigeria will have an identification number which would make it easy for them to be trailed in the event of a crime. Also, armed robbers won’t see prostitutes as easy partners in crime.
“Right now, armed robbers use prostitutes to operate. If a prostitute knows that she can be traced, she will desist from crime. If it’s an app or website where it shows that ‘Mr X’ is picking ‘Miss A’ the issue of girls being killed and body parts mutilated would reduce drastically.
“If the amount for registration to be licensed is raised so high, say 400,000, girls would think of investing that money in business rather than prostitution. By doing this, prostitution becomes expensive to practice,”
A doctor, Adekemi Ayodeji, disagrees though, he said it will boost the spread of diseases.
His words, “Prostitution has more disadvantages than the advantages,” she said. “If prostitution is made legal in Nigeria, diseases would spread faster and more people who have been secretly engaging in the act would openly and proudly practise it.
“No one wants to have a child who will end up a prostitute.”

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