5 Things You Should Avoid As A Struggling
Guy we all have our struggling days. Most
wealthy people you know in the society today
all had their struggling days; except you were
born with a silver spoon. It is nothing to be
ashamed of because as the Bible puts it: 'Do
not despise the days of humble beginnings'.
One true fact is that you won't even remember
your struggling days when you finally attain
If you were born with wooden or no spoons
at all, you need not despair. Success is not
only achieved by physical strength; it also has
to do with your mental strength. Your level of
rational thinking matters a lot, for without it,
your physical strength will be equivalent to
pouring water into a basket. I believe you
know what that means.
Below are some things you should avoid as a
struggling bachelor:
a bad idea to visit a bar for one or two bottles
of drink occassionally (that's if you drink).
What is killing is when you make it a habit to
be there everyday to oblige your urge for
alcohol! These spots are pocket-drainers for
struggling guys. At the end of the day, you'll
discover that you've not been able to meet
most of your important needs. Why? Your
habit is draining your meagre resources at the
expense of self-development.
2) CALL GIRLS: Once you entangle yourself in
this unfavourable market where deposits are
allowed but no withdrawals, you can be
completely compared to a fly that's entangled
in a spider's web! If you spend N20,000
monthly on prostitutes and your monthly
income is N40,000, my brother, your future is
not brighter than the back of a cooking pot!
3) FINANCIAL WOMEN: (Apology to Phyno aka
Eze Nnunu). If you can afford a phone of
N280,000 for your girlfriend without waving,
very fine. After all, we give in love. Bro, but
not when you are struggling. There's a time
for all things. Leave these set of people for
those who are already comfortable, rich or
have enough to throw around. Life is not and
has never been a competition. You too will
get there if you strive. Don't be fooled by
flashy appearance. Women are created with
brains too; they can work and take care of
their needs. Don't kill yourself to make a
woman look super fly while you are struggling
to survive. It makes no sense, for tides and
times come and go. Let whoever you are with
know your present state. The good ones will
encourage you but the materialistic
ones...hmmm. That doesn't mean you should
be stingy; give freely but let it be within your
means. Give with no intention to receive.
4) COMPETITIVE LIFE: This has never been a
helpful friend to struggling guys. What will it
profit a struggling guy if he spends N2,500 for
a bottle of beer in club, knowing fully well that
the neighbourhood shops sell same for N200?
The kids who spend lavishly right in the club
or elsewhere trust their account balance.
Trying to compete with them is useless. My
brother, na you go still go house go cry!
Regret is a personal thing. Nobody regrets
with you Ogbeni, experience na the best
teacher but to learn from anoda man own go
make you escape paying the high tuition fee.
5) MULTIPLE AFFAIRS: Just like patronizing
call-girls (Point 2 above), engaging yourself in
multiple affairs as a struggling guy is a fatal
blow that can slow your progress. Apart from
wasting resources, you will become less
focused. My brother, wetin you dey find go
Sokoto dey inside your Shokoto o! Even if
she's a 'village girl', you can 'package' her as
far as you both love and understand each
other. Look for an understanding and
emotionally mature girl to date; she must also
be engaged in something worthwhile. Stop
running after these little slay queens! They'd
rather prefer a yahoo-yahoo guy to you.