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Artificial Intelligence: The Risks and Benefits

These days, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the talk of the town! It is a technology which is rapidly growing. In science-fiction movies, AI is often portrayed as robots with human-like characteristics. But it is much more! Many businesses are adopting this new trend. Like every technology, it has its advantages and disadvantages. Learn about its different risks and benefits below.
Dangers of Artificial Intelligence
1. Lesser Jobs
When it comes to repetitive routine tasks, AI robots can do them better than humans. Since most businesses are opting for AI, it is inevitable that jobs will be cut down. Most companies prefer machines to increase their profits and productivity. In this way, there will be lesser positions available for the human workforce. However, it is a good idea to reinvent the different jobs and their tasks so that humans do not lose their livelihood.
2. Threat to Humanity
Since AI robots can take the place of humans, it is feared that they can become a threat to the human civilisation. As it is often portrayed in sci-fi movies, it is not impossible for AI to turn against humans if it turns erratic. Since AI is still in its infancy, the threat cannot be felt just now. However, it can be avoided if humans work together with AI in different fields. Researchers can also come up with different solutions if ever this technology goes rogue.
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3. Unsustainability
Wondering if AI is sustainable? Well no, because most of the AI computers, machines and robots run on rare earth elements like Lithium or Selenium. Their increased mining definitely poses a threat to the environment. Plus, they consume a lot of power to function, which adds more pressure on power plants. Artificial Intelligence is certainly risky for the environment, creating an obstacle in sustainable development.
Benefits of Artificial Intelligence
1. Work Efficiency and High Accuracy
Rest assured that despite the risks, Artificial Intelligence also comes with various benefits. AI machines are excellent when it comes to repetitive tasks. They do not commit human errors, thus guaranteeing high accuracy. Plus, they work 24/7, which means businesses which run round the clock do not need 2 sets of employees to work day and night shifts. Scientists are also constantly working at achieving a higher accuracy in AI powered machines. This makes them indispensable in some fields like surgery, where they must perform delicate operations and diagnose any serious conditions in the human body.
2. Reduced Costs for Training and Operations
Since AI machines use learning algorithms like Deep Learning and neural networks, there is no need for new codes every time they learn new things. Research is still in process to optimise their learning abilities. It reduces the cost of training robots which can learn faster than humans. Plus, they provide the same excellent results even if they perform repetitive tasks without any breaks.
3. Improved Processes
AI machines greatly improve all processes as they can gather considerable amounts of data associated with their tasks. The data can be processed in such a way that it can be further optimised. Thus, the learning capacities of AI powered machines are developing even further with time.
AI can be beneficial in various fields;however, it is not without risks. It is then essential to use it in such a way that it does not become a threat to the human workforce or humanity at large.

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