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Everyone Is The New Fela Now

Seun Kuti is shaking a table that has a lot of singers on it following his comments where he said everyone wants to be Fela because they want to smoke weed and chase women.
The music star and son to the late music icon, Fela Kuti made this known via his Instagram page on Monday, October 15, 2018. According to Seun Kuti, everyone wants to be Fela without taking the sacrifice and the call to duty.
“People will never understand you without going through the education you have tried to promote. Every Tom Dick And Ashy is the new Fela just because they want to smoke igbo and chase women. How about the sacrifice? How about duty? They want to be Fela and at the same time be the darlings of all the oppressors. All these new Fela’s and those possessed by his spirit hobnobbing with white supremacists.
“They think u are great because rappers mention your name, they don’t know that rappers mention ur name so they can feel greatness. What do they know about sacrifice? What do they know about the trauma that first-hand violence has inflicted on our family? The blind leading the blind listening to the deaf speak! Happy 80th. The struggle intensifies!!!” he said.

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