Like we all know, Seth Meyers has never failed to declare his love for Rihanna.
He recently told Jimmy Fallon that he is completely in love with the singer and his wife is cool with because she loves her too.
Seth has finally interviewed Rihanna on his show after trying for a while, and he has had only good things to say about the experience.
On his dream finally coming true he said, “I give all credit to Jeremiah Silva, who’s our music booker. Obviously, he also was aware of how much I wanted Rihanna to be on the show, so over the past two years, he’s been telling me that he’s making progress and that he thought “Day Drinking” would be a good idea. It struck me as wishful thinking, but looking at it now…it paid off.”
“I think we knew for about six weeks. She gave us a date, and historically when we’ve done “Day Drinking” it’s been on a day without a show because it goes without saying that it would be impossible to do a show that night. So we actually had to go to the network and say, “hey, we want to show a mid-week rerun,” which we never do, “in order to do Day Drinking with Rihanna.” And it was a very speedy approval from NBC.
I do want to point out that this was only the second time we’ve had to cancel a show, and the other was the birth of my first son. For the birth of my second son, I just went to work the next day. So the order goes, my first son, Rihanna, my second son.”
“I had said hello to her a few times when she came through at “SNL,” but certainly never had anywhere near the kind of interaction I had within five minutes of day drinking when I talked to her more than I ever had in my life. The thing about her that didn’t just strike me, but struck every single person who was there, she was immediately so friendly and relatable, and it became clear that she was down for the idea and what it entailed.
You can plan what you think you’re going to do with “Day Drinking,” but you understand that the best moments are going to be what happens in between, and what kind of drinker this person is. We had no intention for her to be chugging beer, but when she did that, I think it was a signal to everyone involved and everyone watching it that we were going to take off full speed ahead.”
On Rihanna, “She’s really just a very…I mean, look, if she had never shown up, I also would have been fine. I’ve gotten enough from Rihanna, her just being in the world, I feel I’ll never quite deserve. So the very fact that she showed up and was so game to do it was such an awesome gift to us. But the really nice thing was that in the moments between shooting, she is the easiest person to talk to. That was the fun part.
Of course, I should say that drinking on camera is unfortunately like drinking in real life, in that it’s fun, and then you wake up the next morning and are like, “oh my god, what happened?!” Unlike the times when you drink with your friends at a bar and call them to see how you embarrassed yourself, this was filmed and was going to air a day later so you’ll see exactly what you did. So it’s a very interesting journey.”