Whether it’s an effort to spare another person’s feelings or protect
themselves, lying from time to time is something everyone does. But what
about when that dishonesty comes from your partner? All lies, from
little white untruths to serious deceit, can potentially be detrimental
to a relationship. And while both men and women are capable of being
untruthful to their significant other, they may not always do it for the
same reasons.
Here are 5 lies women, in particular, tell.
1. How many people she’s slept with;
Unless you got married right out of college, it’s likely both you and
your significant other have had more than one sexual partner. Although
you know this to be true, it doesn’t mean you won’t cringe at the
mention of their number. Which is why a woman might lie when questioned
about her sexual history. Of course, both partners need to accept each
other for who they are, and if someone’s judgmental based on the number,
it’s probably time to move on.
2. Saying she’s fine when she’s not;
In a survey, researchers found the No. 1 lie women tell is,
“Nothing’s wrong, I’m fine.” Anyone who’s heard these words before
probably doesn’t consider it much of a punishable crime, but it is a
lie, nonetheless. While it’s more acceptable in platonic relationships,
such as with a co-worker, there’s no place for this little white lie in a
romantic one. A woman telling her partner she’s fine when something’s
weighing on her mind could end up making her feel isolated or resentful.
3. How much something cost;
Money will always be a topic of conversation, regardless of who makes
more of it. So, it’s quite possible a woman may be tempted to fudge the
truth as to how much that new outfit really cost.
Lol! I had a Girlfriend back then in school who once told me she
bought a Gown for 15k when i know the Gown is actually not worth up to
4. Telling her partner they’re the best she’s ever had;
Wanting to please your partner in bed is only natural, and vice
versa. Maybe you’re with the person you’re meant to be with for the rest
of your life, and that’s great. But the truth is, this doesn’t always
mean you’ll both be the best the other’s had. One woman told CafeMom she
lied to her husband about him being the best sex she’s ever had. But
honestly, will telling the truth in this situation really make anything
better? Probably not. In this case, fibbing may be just fine.
5. Having an orgasm;
It’s not an urban legend by any means; some women have faked an
orgasm at one time or another. Regardless of the reasoning behind it,
it’s still a lie. Maybe she wanted it to be over. Or, perhaps she just
knew it wasn’t going to happen this time.