Popular TV presenter and ex Soundcity Veejay, Denrele turned 38 recently and marked it with
amazing pictures of himself wearing several fashion pieces.
He then wrote a letter to himself to mark the day.
His words, “DEAR DENRELE,
I can’t believe you’re 38!
F***ing eight years older than a 30-year old.
TWENTY years older than your 18-year-old self. You’re freaking out!
But, you know what?
You’re also 38-years young.
I mean, the moment you hit 30, you stopped counting right? Wake up and smell the frigging Coffee!
Denrele, you no dey hear word!
About time you learnt that just because you haven’t been loved in the way you deserve, doesn’t mean you don’t deserve it.
That just because some people found it hard to love you doesn’t mean you’re not easy to love.
Love yourself so much that you don’t feel the wanting from loneliness.
Love yourself so much it doesn’t matter who broke your heart in the past
or who breaks your heart next. Love yourself so much you become
complete. Love yourself so much you stop accepting anything less than
what you need. Love yourself so much you stop accepting any less even
from yourself.
Look in the
mirror. The person you see standing in front of you is the
love of your life.
Feed him just as much as you’ve fed the mouths who bit chunks out of
you. Find the places from which they did, kiss them and let them heal.
Walk away from situations that make you unhappy. Anything or
anyone that steals your lighter energy has no business being in your
Stop putting yourself down and selling yourself short. Speak to
yourself in a kinder voice. You have the whole world inside of you.
Be grateful for your
accomplishments and work for those you still yearn for. You got this. This year, tune out the voice that says you can’t.
Take care of yourself. No one else will do it for you. No one else can do it better.
Think about the curly haired, suffering little troublesome kid you once were. What would he say to you today?
What were the things he always wanted to have?
Would you treat him like you treat yourself now?
Do what makes you happy. It’s as simple as that.
Your life has purpose. Your story is important. Your dreams count. Your
voice matters. Love yourself. Value yourself. Be yourself. The world
needs you!
#Denrele #DenreleAt38 #ManNoPause #38AndSlickerThanYourAverage #shomoagemin