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New Animal Gulp #6.8 Million

A Gorilla has been blamed for gulping the
N6.8 million in the Kano Zoological Gardens,
as indicated by BBC Pidgin.
A fund officer in the zoo was cited as saying
the gorilla "sneaked into their office" and
trucked away the cash before gulping it.
TheCable couldn't quickly affirm this episode
which was said to have occurred during the
Sallah festivities . Umar Kobo , the overseeing executive of the zoo, affirmed that the cash is missing and that the issue is being researched. “The issue is under investigations for now and I don’t want to say anything on the matter, many journalists have come to meet me but I don’t want to
talk anything. What I can confirm is that money is missing,” he told the BBC Pidgin.

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