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The Man That Raped Me Is A Popular Celebrity

Ex BBNaija teammate, Ifu Ennada has revealed that she is set to expose the famous person in the entertainment industry that forcefully had sex with her. During the BBNaija Double Wahala show, Ifu
disclosed that she was raped and even contacted STI in the process. Without revealing the name of the alleged rapist, Ifu
has said the person is actually well known in the entertainment industry. In a recent interview, she shared that her reason
for ending talks about the sad incident was
because she did not want to continue to be seen as a rape victim. She added that she has plans to unmask the rapist pretty soon.
Her words, “I stopped talking about it because I didn’t want people to see me as just a victim. There is so much to it. I am above that but at the right time, I will expose my abuser. He is even in Abuja.”

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