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Patoranking has disclosed his reason for featuring half-dressed ladies

“Wilmer” crooner, Patoranking has disclosed his reason for featuring half-dressed ladies in his recent music videos. In an old interview, Patoranking had shared that he
does not fancy almost naked ladies in his videos, but that appears to have changed now. His words on why things changed, “Music, as I always say is a spirit and a painting. Like all paintings, it contains uncountable colors and different expressions explain the vibe it has. So,
also these listed songs were for the portrayal of the vibe behind the inspiration of the songs. It was all about dance and I chose the physical feminine expression of it to connect with my female fans as well as appreciate how cool they interpret sounds
and rhythm.” On his music journey, “It’s been a hard journey naturally, as nothing comes easy, but most importantly; it’s been one of thorough self-growth and lessons. I’m not where I am going yet but I’m aware that I’m not where I started either and I’m
super grateful for that. It’s been an adventure and I’m looking forward to more milestones.”

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