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Apostle Johnson Suleiman Reacts To RUGA Settlement

Apostle Johnson Suleiman, the founder of Omega Fire Ministries, has kicked against the national government's Ruga settlement plan.
Newsmen reports that Ruga settlements are brought about by the central government to address the ceaseless conflicts among ranchers and herders in the nation.
The advancement has since blended responses from a wide scope of Nigerians.
Suleiman responding in a post on Tuesday, said any state senator in help of RUGA ought to be embarrassed.
The priest noticed that land ought to be purchased not given for anything.
Apostle Suleman wrote: “Any governor that gives out his land for RUGA rubbish should be ashamed.
“You don’t enter people’s ancestry to give their lands to cows, stay in your locality and do your business there.
“If you want land anywhere in the world, you pay for it and it is willingly given.”

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